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The Samba Festival that I had been long waiting for to watch finally was held this last saturday afternoon in Asakusa, Tokyo. Luckily, It was a fine day with a friendly weather (it was actually hot....but, it is better than raining ^__^). It was so crowded and quite hard to find good spot to take photograph unless you got the front rows...(I came sort of late, so I missed the good spots in the front...hehehe). Anyway, I could somehow find my way through these crowds and got my camera ready to take lots of shots toward the parade. It was an exciting moment and the atmosphere was just so alive...everyone was cheering up and enjoying interesting samba parade. The attractiveness of this festival was not only about the samba, but fabulous and colorful dress as well. It was quite an interesting experience for me to see the samba festival in Tokyo. For more complete photos of the samba festival please refer to my flickr, you guys will see plenty of photos! cheers! :-)))


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