BetaPhotography - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver


The Samba Festival that I had been long waiting for to watch finally was held this last saturday afternoon in Asakusa, Tokyo. Luckily, It was a fine day with a friendly weather (it was actually hot....but, it is better than raining ^__^). It was so crowded and quite hard to find good spot to take photograph unless you got the front rows...(I came sort of late, so I missed the good spots in the front...hehehe). Anyway, I could somehow find my way through these crowds and got my camera ready to take lots of shots toward the parade. It was an exciting moment and the atmosphere was just so alive...everyone was cheering up and enjoying interesting samba parade. The attractiveness of this festival was not only about the samba, but fabulous and colorful dress as well. It was quite an interesting experience for me to see the samba festival in Tokyo. For more complete photos of the samba festival please refer to my flickr, you guys will see plenty of photos! cheers! :-)))


Well, If we really want to show our friends or family that we have visited Tokyo, then a photo of Tokyo's "Rainbow Bridge" is a must. It is kind of a postcard to prove that we have been in Tokyo. Here I took some nightshots of the Rainbow Bridge (more complete photos on my flickr) with different kind of light setting from my Canon camera. It turns out to be nice with long exposure nightshot...luckily I brought my tripod with me :-)))



Korakuen is quite a well known spot in Tokyo for its Tokyo Giants Dome. It has quite an interesting amusement park as well where you can actually enjoy and have fun with your family and friends. Big shopping mall and plenty of restaurant to tryout ^__^. The best time to see this place is actually around evening to night time so that you can see the illumination. It is quite nice and beautiful. In addition, if you're a fan of baseball very much, then the Tokyo Dome would probably the place you want to go to watch any match between the Tokyo Giants and its opponents. :-)))

PS: just make sure you get the best ticket for the best seat :-))

ShinjukuTowerArea01, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

As I walked through this Shinjuku shopping and office area, I took a quick shot to describe the view of the Shinjuku Tower. The area shown in the photo is actually quite recent remodelling development. Now it becomes more neat and well structural design :-))) Good for an evening walk on the way home ~_^

ShibuyaCrowds, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

Well...this is what the Shibuya Crossing (スクランブル交差点) looks like on the weekend. No wonder they call it scramble kousaten, because it is always packed with people :-))) However, it is a good spot to take street photography though ^__^

Butterfly02, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

It was actually yesterday that I went to Yoyogi park for an evening walk with a friend of mine. I didn't intentionally plan to take a flower shot; however, when you actually see something beautiful infront of your eyes it is kind of hard to resist. This butterfly as it landed on the surface of the flower shows how living beings as they blended together in harmony makes a perfect beauty. It also soothes your heart when you watch it :-)))

Meiji-Jingu09, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

Today I decided to take a visit Meiji shrine for an afternoon walk. This shrine is a great place to walk and refresh our mind and soul ^__^ It is located just right next to the well-known Harajuku station. There are lots of nature and a great fresh air to breathe in....just a wonderful place and its surroundings. I had taken plenty of shots as well, so if you guys wanna check out what this shrine is all about, feel free to browse over my flickr photos. Cheers! :-)))

LocalOmatsuri5, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

As I walked around my neighbourhood tonight, I had the chance to see a local omatsuri festival nearby. It was interesting although it was small, but everyone seemed to be happy enjoying the great taiko performance by the teenagers :-))). I was enjoying myself as well there, eating yakisoba, hotdog and hakigoori icecream...hehehe. Omatsuri festival during summer time in Japan has always been interesting and full of cheerfullness ^__^

TokyoBridge8, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

One great thing about going out at night around Odaiba is that you can see wonderful lights of Tokyo's well known "Rainbow Bridge". There are also plenty of boats within this bay area, and you know what, these boats are actually very well known for its "Monzayaki". It is a Tokyo version of "Okonomiyaki", because the food is actually from Osaka (although some people claim also it is from Hiroshima). Well...these two cities are very well known for Okonomiyaki doesn't matter :-))) As long as they are "Oishi", which means delicious ~_^

GundamatOdaiba1, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

I finally had the chance to see real life Gundam prototype in Odaiba....Well, you guys can see how big it is in terms of size compared to the surrounded people :-))) It is really huge, just like a real robot structure. If you haven't seen it, then I suggest better pack your stuff and go straight to Odaiba to see it yourself...hehehe. It is awesome view!!!

AkihabaraNight4, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

Today after finishing my regular work, I stopped by Akihabara, a popular electric town in Tokyo, to buy some stuff for my PC and camera :-))) I am actually not a regular comer to this electric town; however, today seems to be a nice day to look around and enjoy the shopping there. For those of you who have not been to this electric town, well...I think you guys should come and see it for yourself and see what you can find there :-)))

Hanabi 2009, originally uploaded by BetaPhotography.

Today I had the chance to watch "Hanabi", which means fireworks, in Itabashi just a little bit north of Tokyo close to Saitama. Although this was not my first experience to watch Hanabi, but every year has always been a wonderful time for me to go see the hanabi again and again :-))). I love to watch Hanabi in Itabashi compared to Asakusa because I know I can get good spot to sit and relax (like a picnic) and prepare my camera to take many shots! yay! ^__^ There are more Hanabi photos on my flickr if you guys wanna check out more how the fireworks are in Japan ~_^

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